domingo, 17 de maio de 2015

Dropping a language

Hello readers!
In today's post, I am going to talk about something that I see it can be some sort of taboo. Which is dropping languages.
Before thinking of a rude word to type as a commentary, please, give me two paragraphs to convince you otherwise. Okay? So, go!
Well, as I wrote before, to learn a language naturally, one should make it fun and part of one's life. What if it doesn't happen?  Should the person drop the language? Most people would say no, but it depends, in my humble opinion. Why? There you go: if you didn't fall for the language and are feeling it's not going to happen, try harder! But of you did and it looks like things didn't change, try to think of the reason why you're learning the language.
Did I get your attention? So, keep reading... I can share my experience with German to give you some fact. I couldn't manage to fall in love with the language. It DOESN'T mean I don't like the language. I didn't give up for an eternity. I'd never say never, but my gut tells me to start learning Japanese, well, I am gonna go on with that and after, I will speak our lovely DEUTSCH.

Did I convince you? I hope I did, comment if you will!

Conclusion: follow your gut and don't oblige yourself to learn something you feel things are working out to. Languages should be a source of fun, if you get this point, then you're fine!

I will see you next week! Bye!

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