sábado, 27 de junho de 2015

Easy ways of learning languages part three - games

Hey guys, what's up?

I want to start by saying I don't have much time to post. I've been studying for the university's exam. It's been though. I thought about declaring a hiatus but I would really miss writing. So here I am.

Regarding this lack of time, some of you may think "so how does he learn a language if he's busy all the time?" Well, it hasn't been easy but it's something I can't live without. So I developed some ways to have fun while learning. How? Playing games...

If you have a smartphone (I suppose it is really common nowadays), perhaps you like to play games to have some fun. And it is incredibly helpful to use them to pick up some words and get used to the language...

Hey, wait up, are you saying that I can play games and learn with it? OK, it's understandable, but what sort of games?
Yes, that's exactly what I mean, my dearest reader. And the sort, well you can play the ones you want. The majority of games are widely translated now, you probably will be able to play them in the language you're learning. I will end up by letting you know some of my favorites.

When I'm in vacations and have a larger amount of time, I enjoy playing "Plants vs. Zombies" and "Minion Rush" they are translated to lots of languages.

But I'm in not in vacations and time's been short, so I highly recommend those:

Trivia Crack - a game of quizzes. You can defy your friends or random people online. It's got a cool playability!

Word Search - I recommend this one too, I can't remember the name of its developers but the one I downloaded has got a wide translation.

So that's it. If you know some other, tell me in the comments!
I'll see you!

segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2015

Quick and simple ways to immerse oneself in a language - part 2

As I said a couple of weeks ago in my first post, learning a language can become easier and quicker than you think if you use some tiny little things or change  a little of your quotidian and dedicate seconds to learn a language...

So, here it comes

BASIC habits that can change your ways of learning a language

* Make it slowly part of your day...
Things like listening to a song or changing  the language in your cellphone can surprisingly affect in the way you get used to speaking or being comfortable with a language...

* I quote the last post now to talk about the perks of learning a language... Well, you can count on it as well. I mean, if you find things you love in the idiom you've been learning, the odds say that you can master it faster...

Yeah, basically, that's all folks Hahaha. I will see you next week!