segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2015

Quick and simple ways to immerse oneself in a language - part 2

As I said a couple of weeks ago in my first post, learning a language can become easier and quicker than you think if you use some tiny little things or change  a little of your quotidian and dedicate seconds to learn a language...

So, here it comes

BASIC habits that can change your ways of learning a language

* Make it slowly part of your day...
Things like listening to a song or changing  the language in your cellphone can surprisingly affect in the way you get used to speaking or being comfortable with a language...

* I quote the last post now to talk about the perks of learning a language... Well, you can count on it as well. I mean, if you find things you love in the idiom you've been learning, the odds say that you can master it faster...

Yeah, basically, that's all folks Hahaha. I will see you next week!

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